Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tech Tip: Weather Widget

I thought it would be cool to add the weather widget since I'm a little bit obsessed with checking the weather! I liked getting to choose a design for the sticker, and it wasn't too difficult to figure out how to add the HTML to the blog. I spend so much time on my blog that I know I'll be checking this weather widget all the time!


  1. I like your weather widget. I also like to check the weather frequently. Are you familiar with That is my preferred website for checking the weather. They have an hourly weather graph that will get much more specific with wind speeds, directions, how the temperature changes ever hour etc. I recommend that you check it out, super useful.

  2. Hey Alex,

    That's a great idea! I check my weather app all the time, especially since I leave my house really early in the morning, when it's almost always cold! I never know when it'll turn to 80 degrees in the afternoon. I'm always telling my fiance to check his more often, because he frequently comes to visit for the weekend with a bag full of shorts right before a cold-front hits. :p

  3. Hey, Alexandra! I think that’s great that you chose to add a weather widget to your blog! I think that is a great idea to add a little variety and difference to your blog! Great way for visitors coming to your page to be able to see the weather outside, especially since Oklahoma’s weather is so outrageous and bipolar. You never know what you’ll end up with!
