Friday, April 22, 2016

Portfolio Introduction

With my portfolio this semester, I hope to revise some of my favorite stories to be the best that they can be!

Camp Gopher Wood: Find out what was going on aboard Noah's ark during the flood! An elephant, a cat, and a flamingo team up to make a difference that you won't hear about anywhere else.

Dan and Gladys Forever: What could go wrong when a guy just wants to help out his brother? Apparently a lot if it involves the latter's favorite feline companion.

Allie, Cali, and Sally: Three friends get the opportunity to spend time together as well as cook for and with each other!

The Hope of a Warrior's Mother: A mother tries asking a magician for a way to make her small son into a powerful warrior.

BFF: Best Brother Forever: A brother writes a letter praising his twin for being a supportive friend and co-worker.

An Unfortunate Circumstance: A retelling of Beauty and the Beast with a few twists about power walking and whether you can really end up with your captor.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexandra! I really enjoyed reading your story about the three friends! I chose this story to read because I thought the rhyming names had to lead to an interesting story, and I wasn’t disappointed! I thought it had a great lesson at the end, and describes a lot of friend groups, which makes your story relatable to many people. I know my two best friends and I have some major differences, and sometimes we have to work to make everyone happy in certain situations, but eventually we get there! You did a great job with taking the original story and making it your own creation. I liked that instead of having the monster, you had the friends each have an issue with the food, and that they came up with an easy fix in the end. I will definitely be reading your other two portfolio stories in the future!
